The day started with a side trip around Van Bruen and Fort Smith, towns off the interstate 40 in Arkansas. Both were old western frontier towns in their day. Van Bruen’s main street looked like something out of a movie.
We thought Fort Smith had heard we were arriving….
…but then we realised it wasn’t directed at us.
We then spent the next few hours hours off the I40, running parallel to it on minor roads. This gave us a great opportunity to see some smaller towns and to see how the locals live. Arkansas is beautiful. We still had the last of the fall colours, with lots of lakes and rivers, kayaking and bushwalking. Not what I was expecting in this area. I think I was expecting flat farmland. Some of the towns felt like we were driving through a John Grisham novel.
Next stop was Memphis. We arrived mid afternoon and spent the rest of the day exploring around Beale St. Dinner was ribs at the ‘BB King Blues Club’, complete with live band. It’s hard to believe this is the exact location where so much music history was made.