The ship slowly made its way through thick fog as it approached Mumbai. Visibility must have been less than 500m, with boats everywhere – some moving and others moored. Around 9 we docked and headed off a while later on our ‘Mumbai on the move’ tour. We headed for the very busy Gate of India, built to greet King George V and Queen Mary. We then saw the Dabbawalas, the food delivery service made famous by the movie ‘Lunchbox’. These men collect food from the home of office workers, returning the lunchbox home at the end of the day. This service delivers about 6 million lunches a day. We then walked to a local train station, where we caught a local train – not as chatotic as it sounds. Getting off at Dhobi Ghat outdoor laundry where half a million pieces of clothing are washed and dried each day by 8000 – 10000 dhobis. Next, we stopped at Gandhi’s house/museum and finally back to the ship. During our travels we saw hundreds of women marching in a protest, all in traditional dress. Very colourful. The city is crazy busy and noisy and chaotic.

In the evening we skipped the restaurant dinner, instead opting for the early show and an Indian dinner at the buffet. Still no wifi, so still not updating the blog, or contacting anyone, except a quick text to Grandpa for his birthday. Happy 81st Grandpa.