Car (Thanks Laurinda). Train. Train. Bus. (Coffee) Train. Thanks to trackwork just getting to the airport was travel blogger fodder. But we eventually got there and so begins the trip. We were through formalities fairly quickly and waiting for our ‘Scoot’ flight. The plane arrived late, so we were delayed while the plane was cleaned and checked, then, an hour and a half late we were in the air. Singapore here we come.

Being a budget airline (showing the kids what you get for a few hundred dollars less) there was no food service, no seat-back-screens and no real interruptions to sitting and watching the world go by. Literally. We did the old fashion things. Check out everybody on the plane (which were pretty much all locals – very few tourists), play cards and read a book – which is probably a useful thing to be doing in my new career as an English teacher (I might explain later if I get enough strange comments), My new Head Teacher would be proud of me. Is it irony that I was reading a play about travel on the plane?
Upon arrival we were through quickly and headed for the MRT metro. NSW has so much to learn about how to run public transport. Cheap, efficient, well signposted, helpful people posted at ticket machines and clean. But you cant eat your durian on the train. Or food of any other type. You can however recieve big fines for most things. I have a feeling not many people get fined due to the culture.
Our accommodation for the next 3 nights is in a capsule hostel – something different, which we hadn’t told the kids about. Yes, they were surprised. It’s pretty cute really. We have our own room with 6 pods (so we have two spare if anybody wants one, but you better be quick).
After check-in we headed out to get some food. We’re staying in Chinatown, so there was no shortage of choice. A few spring rolls and some fried rice later we were ready to head back to our pods after a long day.
Trip Adviser had warned us the if you have a front room the garbage collection is noisy. I almost laughed out loud when awoken by said garbage truck. Noisy doesn’t start to describe it. Our body clock is still set to Sydney time so we’re all up and active at 5:30am, despite our 20 hour day yesterday.

We must be in Asia. Super sweet coffee as I write.
No problem! And yes, your new Head Teacher is very proud of such commitment – on holiday even (if I’d known you were flying entertainment free I could have picked a thicker book!). The accommodation is certainly unique – love the windows/doors. Have lots of fun.