Our last morning in Singapore before boarding the ship later today, so we headed on foot to see the Merlion. This area is pretty much Singapore’s answer to Circular Quay, with lots of tourists taking lots of photos – including us. We then had a coffee at the fanciest Starbucks ever, in the old boathouse on the river, before walking around to Clarke Quay and back to the hostel to collect our bags and heading to the boat by MRT.

A small negative on the MRT system… As we were about to leave Singapore we had run our cash down to nothing, expecting to be able to buy MRT tickets from the vending machines using credit card, after all, the machines had mastercard signs all over them. After trying several times we gave up and joined the queue to buy tickets from a real person in the ticket office. No, you can’t buy tickets for regular trips here, and the machines don’t take card. What? I can’t buy a ticket from the ticket office! The end of this long silly story is that we had to get cash from an ATM. Since we only needed $7.20, the $5 transaction fee was hard to swallow. Live and learn.

After arrival at the Cruise terminal we waited way too long to check in, but eventually boarded the ship around 3:30. Lauren’s highlight was a potato curry puff! (Lachlan liked it too.) We found our cabin and Carol got busy setting up our Christmas tree, complete with decorations and tinsel. We then had a brief look around to get our bearings and headed up to dinner. Very nice! The staff are so friendly and helpful.

After dinner we took in a show – an acrobatic and juggling show and headed to bed. Another big day.