Lachlan finished school after thirteen years. Carol retired from Bundanon after thirteen and a half years. We’re off again to celebrate on a cruise with a difference. Singapore, Phuket, Sri Lanka, India and Dubai.
If you’re reading this, please feel free to comment as our adventure progresses. We love that we can share the adventure in some small way, and we love the feedback. Your comment may not appear immediately, as it has to be approved (to stop spam) and we wont have internet access at all times, but I’ll catch up when I get access.
Sit back, relax and let the adventure begin.
Seeking approval…I am not a spam bot…well sort of…
ooh nice, empty nesters. have a great trip!
Have a great trip. Love the Huntergather name. I guess Christmas will be in some exotic location? Only advice I can give about cruise ships (only once been on one in Norway) is wash your hands and keep them off railings etc. Once people start once people get sick it can get bad.