Day 4 – Daytrip to Longshen from Guilin. 1/4/2013

After heavy rain overnight we were a bit worried about the trip to Longshen, a mountainous region with mountains terraced into rice fields, populated by an ethnic minority, the Yau. The Yau women never cut their hair after their 18th birthday.

The 2 hour drive was in light rain and very low cloud. At several points we had to stop while earthmoving equipment cleared very recent landslides. Near the village of Longshen we began a 4km walk up the mountain, through the village to the top of ‘The Dragon’s Backbone” where we were meant to see a great view over the terraces. We saw cloud. As we descended the mountain we stopped in at a coffee shop – the first we’ve seen in days – for a cappuccino and hot chocolate. It was the type of place you could stay for months while you write a book, paint a picture or simply contemplate the meaning of life.
Next was a great lunch on the mountain (our guide ‘Tina’ is starting to get a feel for the types of dishes we like.) Most of the food prepared for tourists is SOOO bland.

At times the cloud cleared a little and we got a glimpse of what we were missing. But the lack of a view didn’t mean it wasn’t a great day. The people, the village, the colour and food all made it worthwhile.

Dinner was at the hotel – our first western food (except breakfast each day) since leaving home.IMG_3681x800

4 thoughts on “Day 4 – Daytrip to Longshen from Guilin. 1/4/2013

  1. What a shame about the cloud cover. However the absolute diversity of the location visited certainly would have made it a most memorable day.
    The colours are brilliant. Thanks for the frequent updates.

  2. Good to hear you’re not letting a bit of rain and a few landslides get in the way of your explorations. Even in the mist Longshen looks interesting. The landscape in the last image looks magic.

  3. I am really enjoying the diversity of your photos. There’s no mistaking your location! All quiet on the home front. Haven’t had a four legged visitor yet. Give him time. Enjoy your holiday!

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